I Wonder?
Is God, Isn’t God . . . does it matter?
Maybe TR Harry’s seminal new book will help clear up doubts on this issue. Maybe not.
“Harry intrepidly confronts the deepest and most historically recalcitrant questions and impressively attempts to balance a skeptical epistemology with a profound respect for the significance of religion. In focusing on the subjective prominence of the Idea of God, as opposed to metaphysical confirmation of God’s existence, the author even manages to make this study germane to atheists.” – Kirkus Reviews.
“Harry’s strong point is his writing, delivered in a conversational approach. It makes an otherwise difficult subject easier to comprehend and creates a relationship for the reader to share with the book/author.” – Entrada Pub.
Available from Balboa Press through your local book store and on-line book retailers. For more info, visit the author’s website at: www.thomasrichardharry.com